Well my birthday is tomorrow, don't think I'm going to do anything special. Maybe coffee with a friend and dinner with my family. I'll be 22 half way to 44.....depressing.
Just had a voice recital, it went well. I was very tired and emotional that day as Sarah and I stayed up until 1am the night before so I could be the first to wish her Happy 18th Birthday! Plus she was leaving that day for home (Oklahoma) after almost a three week visit. It's always hard saying goodbye *as my eyes tear up writing this*. Lots of good memories were made.
Thinking I need a change of direction in my life. I just got a information packet on a wedding planning school. There's always teaching piano too. I have been thinking about this for a long time so if I get the schooling done I can work for a company or start my own business. My present job is a dead-end and physically wearing.
Going to the beach on Monday with Meling. We will probably go to Newport, it just feels like home there.
1 day ago