Friday, May 20, 2011


Last week I took a trip to see my Asher, finally, this trip got canceled not once but twice. 

We drank lots of frappuccino's since Starbucks was having their happy hour half off deal going on that week, went on adventures in search of cool things for me to take pictures of for my photography class, ate amazing Thia food, took long walks, laughed a lot and oh yeah he flew me to San Antonio!

We didn't get to stay in San Antonio for very long because of the mean lady at the airport that didn't want to let us use the courtesy car but we made the most of it and had a lovely lunch on the Riverwalk at Michelinos Italian Bistro.

 To bad weekends have to come to an end and we have to go back to work or school or whatever. Can't wait for summer time when Asher will be home and we will have a whole month together!